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Get Your Ticket Now!

If you are a Catholic woman in California I HIGHLY encourage you to get yourself (and why not a friend?) a ticket to the 2022 Fiat Conference. Registration closes soon!! Get on it, sister!

Our Lady of Perpetual Help is the Patroness of this incredible day retreat.

Have you ever been in trouble?

Are you currently in the midst of trouble?

If you didn't answer yes to either of these, then spoiler alert...trouble lies ahead.

Because we are promised trouble.

In this world, YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE. (Jn 16:33)

We like to forget this promise.

We don't crochet this one on pillows.

We like the "I can do all things" promise...

the "I know the plans I have for you" promise...

the "He works all things for good"...promise.

These, we crochet. Or paint on shiplap. But not the trouble.

When we hold God to promises He never made, things go awry.

But when we recall His ACTUAL promises, dig deep into the Scriptures, and remember that He is ALL good, ALL loving, and ALL knowing...and that He doesn't promise the absence of fires or storms but that He will BE WITH US IN ALL OF IT WHEN IT COMES...well, then...everything changes.

This conference theme has my heart.

I come to you all as a woman in the fire and storm and so much better for it.

I come as a witness of the help that Our Lady offers in the thick of it...the thick so thick that you are convinced it will choke you to death. That kind of thick of it.

So if you can swing it, please join me and the other speakers, artisans, and community, but most especially, JESUS and OUR LADY...for a day to remember that we are not alone in our trouble...that we do, indeed, have help. And then watch how everything changes.



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