invitations to my everything
When the world shut down, I was just getting into the groove of traveling and speaking. I had been on a roll...constantly working... and I had worked hard to get there. Then suddenly, it all came to a stop. And so I accepted what I believed was a gift from God: a holy pause. And I gave myself permission to rest...for two weeks. For two weeks I would clean the closest, play board games and walk the dogs twice a day. But only for two weeks.
What can I say? I like to work. I like to create. I like to build community and bring people together. And I was not going to let covid get in my way.
And I have learned a couple of lessons from this.
Is it possible to work too much? To make work your idol? Absolutely.
Is it possible to find meaningful connections virtually? Absolutely.
Is it possible to stretch yourself too thin when your sense of self-worth relies on how much you produce? Absolutely.
Is it possible that God will call you to the most unlikely of places to stretch and grow yourself? Absolutely.
I have been learning the art of balance. After all, "Family" was my word of 2021, not "work". I am getting better at looking at my plate and taking things off. I stepped down from coordinating ministry but stepped up to run my own online Catholic community. I have given up nightly glasses of wine and taken up nightly runs on the treadmill. I have learned that wellness needs to be divided between the body, mind, and soul, not just the soul. Not just the body. Not just the mind. We are, after all, all three.
The result? Two amazing endeavors that I hold dear to my heart. Two amazing communities that would have never existed for me if the world had not shut down and I was not forced to look outside of the box.
Both required courage. Both required humility. Both required the understanding that I could fail, but the desire to try anyway because truly...the bigger fail is never trying.
And I will be honest. It is always with hesitation that I share these Patreon site and my new business, Saved And Scent. I fear that I will come across as too salesy. That you will think, "What the heck is this? I signed up to read blog posts! Free blog posts! Why is she so annoying?" And then you unsubscribe. I also fear that I am pushing things on you that you do not want or need. But then I think...everyone needs community! Everyone needs people that are encouraging! Everyone needs prayer! Everyone needs to take care of their bodies, minds, and souls! And so...I continue to share. Not because I am trying to sell you something! But because I genuinely want to share something. Because these "somethings" are my current "everythings" and they are transforming my life. And that is what we are after, right? Transformation. What good is anything, prayer especially, if our behavior isn't transformed?
So, all that said...I am passing on two invitations to you. These were posted on my Patreon site today and I am super excited about both events!
Get out your calendars and save these dates!

Join me on THURSDAY, April 15, at 7 PM EST in welcoming our second speaker in our Consecration series, Renzo Ortega.
Renzo Ortega, husband, and father of five beautiful light brown children is the Co-Founder of Two Become Family, a marriage and family formation ministry, with his wife, Monica. Renzo is a graduate Theology student at Holy Apostles College & Seminary and also serves in high school ministry. His book Go To Joseph: A Ten Day Preparation for Consecration to Saint Joseph is coming soon! Zoom Link Invite will be posted on Patreon the day before this event. You can learn more about Renzo at

You are also invited to join me on Tuesday, May 4, at 7 PM EST, for a class on Ancient Oils of Scripture. You do not need to purchase the oils to join this free class! I will be walking us through Scripture, highlighting 10 significant oils of Scripture, from Cypress (Isaiah 44:14) to "the rose of Sharon" (Song of Solomon 2:1). If you have any questions, would like to participate, are curious about healing oils of the Bible, or want to join me on my Team, shoot me a message! Zoom Link Invite will be given to those who message me here or on Instagram, @savedandscent.
And if you do not choose to attend either of these events, perhaps this post alone will inspire you to step out of something and into create where what only you can create has yet to exist. Got a dream in your heart? Get it on paper and into the world! Have a big idea? Share it with someone and start forming a plan! Do not allow fear or the lie of the enemy to keep you from making things happen. Remember...nothing is impossible for God.
This year He has made this abundantly clear.