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Join me tonight! 5 PM pst/ 8 PM est

I talked about trying oils for about eight years.

Had the Premium Starter Kit in my cart for two weeks.

And once I finally took the leap, want to know how long it took me to fall in love with it?

Five minutes.

Good grief, why did I wait so long?

But all in God's timing, right? And I really do believe that is true...with all things...and yes, even with oils. Which might sound silly or stupid or even not so Catholic. And honestly? That is a part of why it took me so long. I didn't want to put my belief in anything other than Christ. I didn't want people to think I gave up the Rosary for yoga. Well...we can all relax now...because I am here to tell you that adding an "oily routine" to my life has not taken me away from my faith, but dare I say...enhanced it.

I have learned so much in the two short months that I have been using oils for emotional support. The product education that Young Living and my oily community offers is off the charts amazing. And the truth is...just a year ago, I wasn't ready to dive in. I really wasn't. Life was still too chaotic and I was operating out of a "take care of everyone but myself" system. Which for the record is a terrible system. Not only for myself but ironically, everyone else. And can I just feels really good to be doing simple, easy, things every day that take no more than five minutes that benefit ME. My mood, my attitude, my health, my home. This is not selfish, but caring for the "temple of the Holy Spirit" that each of us is.

While I knew that oils would make my home smell nice...I had no idea that all oils do way more AND are not all the same. I had no idea that there were actual benefits that go deeper than getting that nasty smell out of my kitchen. I had no idea that my children and husband would start asking for them...for better sleep, skincare, tummy aches, and anxiety. What started out as "my hobby" is now a family mission. Our passion for wellness (and not gonna lie, the ARIA is a family favorite) has brought us closer. And guess what else? It is FUN.

But the biggest surprise of all? (Next to my husband going to bed last night saying, "I love the Aria...I can't believe we ever lived without her.") The COMMUNITY. People. I can not explain...I had no idea it existed. There is a team of women all on a wellness journey, seeking to rid their homes of toxins and create pockets of peace for their families. Women who have been dragging their kids - and themselves- from therapist to doctor and trying EVERYTHING under the sun to relieve emotional and physical pain. Women who are CREATIVE and love to make things with their hands, and craft and design and now, they have an outlet to do so! Women of FAITH...who understand that every day is a gift and so they are eager to share their blessings with everyone. Women who preach compassion over competition and mean it. THIS is hands down the best part of jumping into this oily pool!

If you are the LEAST BIT curious...or super curious...I invite you to join me and two of the greatest oily sisters on earth on our zoom call tonight. We will be taking you through the Starter Kit of oils while sharing our personal experiences with them and how we are benefiting and blessing others. Seriously pray about this...because this very well might be THE invitation you have been waiting for. Personally, I am praying to add like-minded women of faith to join me on my team!!! Women who love Jesus, and have a heart for building authentic community. Women who keep Christ at their center, and want to live and lead others to a life of wellness. Women who have struggled...and who have persevered...and want better for themselves and family. Women whose children suffer from anxiety and depression and want to model for them simple, healthy ways to take a holy pause...relax...breathe...and pray. If this is YOU...for sure hop on tonight's call!!! I would love to walk with you side by side on this amazing journey! My prayer is to cultivate a "God at the center" oily team that thrives on being a blessing to others.

And did I mention...this is all so much FUN???

Fun is important, my friends...Jesus had fun...and Jesus wants you to have fun, too.

Because I don't know about you, but covid kind of sucked the fun out of life.

It is time to bring fun back.

If you want the ZOOM INVITE LINK Email me or send a DM through Instagram (@savedandscent)



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