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Summer should be a time of rest and refreshment, but that does not mean taking a vacation from Jesus! Many have asked me how I stay connected during the summer and my simple advice is this:

1) Stick to your routine (sleeping in here and there is okay, but generally a bad idea if it means skipping morning prayer)

2) Don't skip Mass. If you are vacationing I will bet you a million dollars that there is a church where ever you are. Find it and then thank God for your vacation.

3) Keep your mind sharp by reading good spiritual books and having meaningful conversations. This leads me to this fun announcement...

You are invited to join a summer book club with me, Kristy Malik, and Mallory Smyth! Starting July 7, on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube, we will be working our way through Mallory's book, Rekindled: How Jesus Called Me Back To The Catholic Church and Set My Heart On Fire.

Here is what you need to know:

This is an easy, no-stress commitment.

Read on your own, then find us on social media and join in our discussions.

No homework.

No study guide.

Just read.

Stay connected.

Join the discussion.

This book is important:

If you have a loved one who has walked away from the Catholic Church.

If YOU have walked away from the Catholic Church.

If you love someone who has walked away from the Catholic Church.

If you are a Catholic and can not understand why anyone would ever walk away from the Catholic Church.

If you are a Catholic and totally get why people would walk away from the Catholic Church.

If you love Jesus but struggle with the Catholic Church.

If you have been hurt by the Catholic Church.

Please reach out to Mallory if you would like to purchase a signed copy of Rekindled, join our private Facebook Group, and invite your friends! The exact times and dates of when we go LIVE each week to be announced soon!

We pray that you will stay connected this summer by joining us!



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