renewing our minds

I can't stop pushing the Walking With Purpose Guided Prayer Journal. You would think that I made a commission off of it.
It is just. that. good.
With this journal, I have been learning how to empty my feelings, like a bag of sand in a sifter...and what is left in the clear are the lies; the lies that I have been speaking to myself and believing. But I do not stop there. I go back into Scripture and I search for the Truth and for every single lie I pull out God's Word and I counter that lie and send it back to hell where it belongs.
If it sounds dramatic that is because it is.
And so I got inspired the other morning in prayer as I was overwhelmed by grace; the grace to spot the lie and KNOW the Truth. The grace to recognize that what I am telling myself is UNTRUE and the grace of the KNOWLEDGE of Scripture; that nearly nothing I walk around believing is in alignment with God's perspective.
Make no mistake. This has been work. This looks like me, every single morning, doing the work. Sitting in the quiet with the Lord. Being honest with my feelings. Facing the lies. And searching for the Truth. Then...declaring that Truth OUTLOUD. Over myself. My marriage. My children. My friends. My enemies. My ministry. EVERYTHING.
Our thoughts are powerful. Keep them locked up and they will destroy you. Let them run wild and they will drag you down.
And thoughts that run wild LOVE ISOLATION. They love to remain hidden. They love for you to be alone with them. And we need to stop that. And so we will.
Join me on Patreon as I host our first Mental Health Workshop with guest speakers that I am SO EXCITED to have and blessed to call friends; Women that have helped me align my own thought life because they point me to the One True Healer. Women you will LOVE and learn from.
My first guest is my friend, co-worker, and Truth With Handles co-host, Mallory Smyth. She will be talking about Renewing Our Minds and...there will be a giveaway at the end of the call! You can join by becoming a 2nd Tier Patron...details here. There will be three workshops...a different speaker/topic for each, with a GIVEAWAY at the end of each call. Each call will be on Zoom and run one hour with time for a Q and A.
I believe that knowledge of Scripture is essential for mental health. And we, my friends, are in a mental health crisis. Covid related deaths have got nothing on the suicide rates and fentanyl overdoses. I pray that you will consider partnering with me on Patreon and joining me in this important workshop.
The battle always begins in the mind.
Who is ready to win this battle?