Thank you, awesome patrons!
2021 did not shut me down thanks to YOU, awesome Patreon community!
With your support I was able to:
write my second book, Sweet Cross
lead a virtual re-consecration to our Blessed Mother
lead a virtual consecration to St. Joseph
give 8+ virtual talks!
host amazing guest speakers like Father Jason, Jess Nayden, and Renzo Ortega
pray for YOU! Which took my mind off of MYSELF.
Thank you for all that you do to encourage me to create relatable and inspiring content...always for you, but mostly for the glory of God!
I am looking forward to the New Year....SO MUCH NEW CONTENT in the works for 2022 and I am going to be leaning on you...picking your brains..and bringing you along for the ride! Keep your eyes benefits for being a Patron coming at ya!!! And dare I say...merch??? STAY TUNED.
Not a Patron? Prayerfully consider joining us in 2022!!! We are a strong, funny, and faithful group of women with big dreams to live in the center of God's will! We lift each other up, make one another laugh, and are quite possibly the most compassionate women on the planet. You will fit right in.