Tomorrow is the day.
Season 2.
Truth With Handles: The Conversation.
You do NOT want to miss this.

Our first episode is this one right here..RETURN TO AWE. And we need to RETURN.
How can you watch it?
Head on over to Walking With Purpose's Youtube page...oh, what is that? You had no idea that WWP has a YouTube page???? Apparently, you are not alone...and can we PLEASE change that?
Because we do. And it is filled with so much good, fresh and important really need to get on it.

Once you are there, click on SUBSCRIBE and go on and click on that sweet little bell so that you miss NOTHING. Including, the grace of God. ESPECIALLY the grace of God. Because HIS hand is all over this project. I know this for a fact because only God could convince me to put my 51-year-old face in front of a camera sitting next to these two young beauties. #humility
If you are on social media, we will be going LIVE tomorrow on all WWP platforms with a fun announcement and more details for you (Ummm....would you like a reflection guide that accompanies each episode?? We thought you might...) so be sure to FOLLOW WWP!
(and while you are there check out our REEL and go on and share it with everyone! Your friends, family, hairdresser, EVERYONE!!!)
We are excited to see God's plans unfold and hope that you will join us!
We have lots of coffee and just so happen to be sitting on a fabulous green couch with a spot saved just for you.