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Virtually speaking...

With the Flourish retreat being canceled just an hour after I had arrived at the hotel, we immediately began planning the reschedule. Would October work? Would we really have to wait a full year and stick with next March? I was so eager to give my talk...I hated the thought of postponing...or waiting...

Little did I know.

And so here we are still waiting...still postponing...and so despite what my heart desires (which is real-life community and face to face gathering and retreats with hugging and hand-holding and praising in large crowds and speaking to faces that I can see and reactions that I can hear) I am embracing the virtual world.

The parishes and groups that had booked me from March through December have all gone virtual, and I have to say, while not my first choice, it has its benefits! I am currently preparing my Advent talk on Mary and looking forward to a new kind of Advent By Candlelight! More like an Advent by Bluelight! HA!

Currently, my Patreon Fearless And Free study is meeting virtually on Tuesday nights - and is AWESOME...and I am gearing up to announce what I will be offering for Advent on Patreon and stay tuned.

Please use my contact page to reach out if you are looking for a speaker for your Advent virtual event OR any event. I'd be happy to discuss the details with you! If you want to check out what's happening over at Patreon click on that page as well. (all virtual studies and reflections offered via Patreon are available at any tier level!) I would love to see you there!

God bless and hold onto hope folks...Jesus is King and always in control. Always was. Is. And will be. The end.



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