It's OK To Start With You: Prioritizing Mental Health.
Couples therapy, old wine skins, and the longest run on sentence you will ever encounter in a blog p
google said I am dead in six weeks. (And thoughts on healing)
I keep forgetting is it not Monday, and my near death at back to school night
fighting courageously: words of encouragement for those running away from the Catholic Church
growing seeds, paying attention, using your time wisely and more about the Lions. A longer post than
encouragement for all of you mamas...lion of lions
summer 2018: the mini van, the co-pay, and the shark that ate my helicopter...over and over again.
why I journal. such a boring title. but I need to get in the shower so ya know, it is what it is.
taking a break on the side of the road
Hi there! I'm Laura. Former snarky mommy blogger turned Catholic Author and Speaker, and trust me...we are all better for it.